Monthly Archives: January 2014

Turn Off The Fire And Radiators To Save Money – And Lose Weight

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At least among young and middle-aged people, non-shivering heat production in response to feeling cold can account for up to 30% of the bodys energy budget, say the scientists. That means lower temperatures can significantly affect the number of calories burned up instead of being stored as fat. Lead researcher Dr Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt, from Maastricht University Medical Centre , said: Since most of us are exposed to indoor conditions 90% of the time, it is worth exploring health aspects of ambient temperatures. What would it mean if we let our bodies work again to control body temperature?
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Dieting in pregnancy can lower baby’s IQ

Cutting back on vital nutrients and calories in the first half of pregnancy stunts the development of an unborn child’s brain, says a new study. Although it was carried out on primates, researchers say the same findings are likely to be true for women, reports the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Thomas McDonald of the University of Texas Health Science Centre US, who conducted the study, said: “This study is a further demonstration of the importance of good maternal health and diet.” “It supports the view that poor diets in pregnancy can alter development of foetal organs, in this case the brain, in ways that will have lifetime effects on offspring, potentially lowering IQ and predisposing to behavioural problems.” Past studies have shown that severe diets, famines and food shortages during pregnancy can harm unborn babies, according to the Daily Mail. But the new study looked at the sort of “moderate dieting” typical of women in Britain and America. They compared two groups of baboon mothers at a primate research centre in San Antonio, US.
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