Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Worst Way To Start A Diet… And The Right One

Diet face-off: How 7 nutrition trends stack up

OFF PT365 diet chart

Start training your mind This is the preseason weight-loss task no woman ever thinks of: training her mind to support the changes she’s going to make to her body. Every time you catch yourself about to utter a self-defeating phrase”I’m never going to lose the garcinia cambogia weight!”replace it with a positive one, like “I deserve to have a healthy body” or “I am capable of slimming down.” This shift often separates the losers from the winners, says Thomas N. Bradbury, Ph.D., coauthor of Love Me Slender and a professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. After all, how will you ever make progress if you don’t believe you can? It also helps to use affirmations to alter your attitude about your new habits.
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Chow-hall tips:Changes in the past few years at many military dining facilities support this diet, with lean meat, vegetables and salad bars, low-fat rice dishes and vegetarian options. MRE friendly?Not perfect, but like the low-glycemic index/lower-carb option, go for the beans and meats, including tuna or chili and beans, Mediterranean chicken. ___________ VEGETARIAN (LACTO-OVO) The books:Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, The New Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone, The Flexitarian Diet The claims:By going meat-free, you can be kind to animals while eating healthy and staving off chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. What to eat:Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat a mostly plant-based diet supplemented by eggs and dairy products.
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Diets, hyenas and Doom

The UNSW researchers’ new theory is that this effect evolved to help animals continue to reproduce when food is scarce; they require less food to survive because stored nutrients in the cells can be recycled and reused. Credit: Sunny Forest / Fotolia [Click to enlarge image] A new evolutionary theory in BioEssays claims that consuming a diet very low in nutrients can extend lifespan in laboratory animals, a finding which could hold clues to promoting healthier ageing in humans. Scientists have known for decades that severely restricted food intake reduces the incidence of diseases of old age, such as cancer, and increases lifespan. “This effect has been demonstrated in laboratories around the world, in species ranging from yeast to flies to mice. There is also some evidence that it occurs in primates,” says lead author, Dr Margo Adler, an evolutionary biologist at UNSW Australia.
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Eat More, Die Young: Why Eating a Diet Very Low In Nutrients Can Extend Lifespan

You’re body totally changes. And I think you have to work out.” Whatever they are doing, it’s working! Yesterday before the Dash party, Kim showed off her toned tummy, killer curves and lots of cleavage in a super-sexy bikini selfie on Instagram. “Yep stole Kylie’s bikini…she’s not getting it back,” Kim wrote with the shot.
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Kim and Khloé Kardashian Reveal Weight Loss Secrets: Which One Doesn’t Believe in Diets?

For the most part, I know how to react and dont have to spend agonising minutes figuring out what to do. I think trying to choose which diet or detox to follow is a little like being cornered by a scary animal: trying to make sense of something you dont quite know enough about and trying to keep an eye on all the different options. Taking a giant leap in one direction leaves you having to wait and see what happens while wondering whether you should have done something different, and hoping against hope for a miracle one-size-fits-all solution that will just solve the whole problem. That is not an ideal situation to be in either. Food then becomes something that you are anxious about, that you cant enjoy, that you feel overwhelmed by.
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